What We Do
Fusion Boiler Works, Inc. strives to the very best partner you can have to provide, install, maintain, and repair all of your physical plant equipment. We provide our services on Thermal Oxidizers, Boilers, Economizers, Heat Exchangers, Code Vessels, Tanks and Process Piping. We operate with your best interests in mind, preferring to become a member of your team, not just a supplier.
This means we evaluate your goals and objectives, and make them ours. We also provide guidance with engineering assistance to be sure that every endeavor we undertake for you meets or exceeds the essential fundamentals of proper engineering and/or all appropriate codes and standards that apply.
We Would Appreciate the Opportunity to Work With You!
Our staff of professionals have over 200 years of collective experience, and are credited with the following projects (all successful):
- Complete retube of hundreds of Water and Firetube Boilers.
- Repair / replace refractories in Watertube Boiler Front and Rear Walls, Firebox Seals and Floors
- Firetube and Watertube Boiler Burner Throats
- Thermal Oxidizer Ceramic Fiber Lining Repairs and Installation
- National Board “R” Stamp Welding Repairs and Alterations
- New Boiler Room Equipment Sales, Installation, and Piping
- Combustion Analysis and Tuning, Trouble Shooting
- Annual Inspection (Opening, Cleaning, Initial Inspections, and Closing for Operation)
- Staacks, Ductwork, and Expansion Joints
- Casing Repairs (Hot Spots, Internal and External Casing and Insulation)
Here’s What We Can Do For You!
Our Code Services Group regularly provides the following services on boilers & HRSG’s, economizers, thermal oxidizers, dryers and heat exchangers:
- R” Stamp Welding Repairs & Alterations
- X-Ray Quality Welding (SMAW, GTAW, GMAW) in Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Chrome-Moly
- Boiler, Economizer, and HRSG Tube Replacement & Repairs
- Ceramic Fiber Module Repairs & Installation
- Refractory Repairs & Installation
- Power & Process Piping
- Insulation, Lagging, and Casing
- Stacks, Ductwork, and Expansion Joints
- Deaerator Tank Inspections (NDE)
- Condenser, Tube & Shell Heat Exchanger, Tube Bundle Repairs & Alterations
- Boiler Room Parts & Accessories
How Can We Help You?
When you need help, call FUSION, it’s what we do!